marți, 7 ianuarie 2014


Ohh I keep seeing posts which have a tendency of encouraging people to give up hope and love and everything that is GOOD in this life just because they have been disappointed by someone or something or by their own person.
You guys really need to stop doing this.Can’t you see that you are making it WORSE? It’s like telling a kid not to do a thing -> he will surely do it just to prove you wrong or piss you off. Get your shit together.
We are all BROKEN in some way. Nobody’s problems get solved by themselves and NO ONE’S APPARENTLY PERFECT LIFE is actually perfect because there is no such thing.There is always something missing,  we just have to learn to live with it.And even if someone has a BETTER life than you do , it doesn’t mean that they just sit in front of TV and their lives got better.They did something FOR THEMSELVES.You cannot change anything , you can only change the way you see and understand things.
We all get attached to unsecure things that might not even be there the next day.But this is what makes us HUMANS.
Stop telling people that once they’re broken they cannot be fixed.Come on it’s not the end of the world.Life goes on , we just have to find a way to make everything work in spite of that one think that broke us which is not there anymore.I know best what is like to feel that there is nothing good left out there.But there is , and with a little effort you can find it.Find that one thing in music , friends , nature , light , flowers , sports , anything and hold on to it and there you have it. Those are the moment in which you find your true self.Once you find yourself , you have everything. Find out what you like , what you care about most , what you enjoy doing , what are the things you appreciate most at a person , anything that has to do with YOU and only you.
So guys , please , don’t encourage that kind of negative thinking.You are really not being helpful.

luni, 6 ianuarie 2014

Cele mai frumoase clipe

               Cele mai frumoase clipe din viata mea, sunt cele in care sunt alaturi de persoana in care am cea mai mare incredere , cea pe care doresc sa o vad atat dimineata cat si seara.Motivul zambetului meu si al fericirii mele.
               Momentele in care, stau intinsa in pat langa el , imbracata in tricoul ce ii poarta parfumul si pantalonii lui de casa ce miros a balsam.Atingerile lui pe pielea mea , saruturile lui dulci pe fruntea mea plina de griji , ducandu-le astfel in alta lume pentru cateva momente si soaptele lui iubitoare. Amintirile depanate sub patura pufoasa ce ne reflecta caldura corpului si creearea unor noi aventuri. Recunoasterea tuturor lucrurilor minunate pe care le impartim , apreciind fiecare secunda petrecuta impreuna. Momentele in care se sprijina in cot si se apleaca spre mine , daruindu-mi un sarut dulce imbibat in sentimente pure ce imi invaluie corpul.Acel zambet ce ii lumineaza toata fata.Parul ciufulit , dar care arata mereu bine.Acea privire pe care o adreseaza unei singure persoane , mie.Felul in care imi spune ca sunt frumoasa si modul in care reuseste sa transmita exact ceea ce eu doresc sa percep.Felul in care ma invie de fiecare data cu o mangaiere.Clipele in care stam imbratisati sub aceeasi patura si privim pe geam spre aceeasi luna privita din acelasi unghi.
                Felul in care imi cauta mana atunci cand mergem impreuna pe strada si grija pe care o arata la fiecare trecere de pietoni.Acea tendinta de a se gandi mai intai la mine si dupa aceea la el.Capacitatea sa de a vedea fiecare sclipire de "bine" din fiecare firisor de "rau".Metoda prin care reuseste de fiecare data sa ma faca sa rad atunci cand sunt trista , dar si atunci cand plang.Modul in care a invatat ce imi place si ce nu si in care imi accepta toate pretentiile pretentioase pe care le am de mute ori in mod nejustificat.Telepatia dintre noi si felul in care lasa de la el pentru capriciile mele.
              In principiu , fiecare , bucatica , din , corpul , lui , si , din , mintea , si , sufletul , lui.